"[We] went to the [ocean] because [we] wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if [we] could not learn what it had to teach. . ."
--Thoreau, Walden
Since my Master's degree is in English--and the American Romantics actually inspired me to alter my career choice from law to teaching--it is Thoreau's quote above that has echoed in my mind more than once as I try to find the words for wanting to set out on the open ocean. Like so many, I seek out water--and the ocean, in particular. I'm not sure why. I just know I even tried to attend school in Texas, only to transfer after two years to San Luis Obispo, with access to both the mountains and sea.
Obviously, Thoreau's quote is also, and more importantly, about living a life of simplicity, which is a requirement aboard a sailboat. Kevin and I have both owned multiple homes, and now renting for the past several years has been freeing; it has allowed us to foster this crazy dream of traveling by boat. I have no doubt that we will own a home again one day. But we wonder if sailing will help fulfill the urge to explore--and endorse a lifestyle of "less is more." I really don't know what to expect, honestly. But I do know we're ready to learn more.
Kevin has been dreaming big for awhile now, and he just retired from the California Highway Patrol at the end of June. I was able to load bank--or set aside units/$$ for my community college teaching position--in order to take the entire semester off, which means I do not teach again until January 2020.
Kevin has been dreaming big for awhile now, and he just retired from the California Highway Patrol at the end of June. I was able to load bank--or set aside units/$$ for my community college teaching position--in order to take the entire semester off, which means I do not teach again until January 2020.
As I write this, we are a week and half away from our big trip south. We plan to leave in the middle of September; we'll stop at the Channel Islands and Catalina before we head to San Diego. I plan to fly home for a few weeks and have Quinn, my 17.5 year old, join us intermittently for the adventure. Around Halloween, we will ready the boat and ourselves for our sail down the Baja coastline.....from there, we will head to Puerto Vallarta (and some of the anchorages nearby) for a few weeks; then, we will sail to the Sea of Cortez, where we will meet all seven of our kids, ages 17 to 30 years, for a wonderful holiday adventure. We know we will not always be together for holidays, which makes us even more appreciative and grateful for what we have...and for their willingness to encourage and support this crazy dream.